Sunday, August 14, 2005


The current administration has been juggling so many scandals at once I surprised they have'nt taken a month long vacation...oh wait they did,Bush can't even go and pretend to be a cowboy with out some evildoer(Cindy Sheehan) stirring up a good ole hornets nest so I thought it would be fun to revisit the goings on during recess.

1. The grandaddy of them all (up until a real investigation into 9/11 happens) is the faulty info in the lead up to the Iraq war, dating back to 1999 when Bush was feeling his oats and a premonition from God, or Karl Rove that he would most certainly be President damn the votes.

2.The outing of a C.I.A. agent working undercover in the proliferation of WMDs you know the things that Saddam was going to attack us with and Al Qaida was chomping at the bit to acquire. What better way to foil the evildoers attempts at acquiring the deadly materials than to make sure the C.I.A had no one monitoring the situation. It's better not to know who wants to kill us that way everything will be a surprise. Check out this link all the main players are listed

3. The Ohio coin scandal where the Ohioan Republican party made shady investments in rare coins with taxpayer money and surprisingly enough used said money for various contributions.

4. Tom Delay(R) going nuts with money/contributions comitting fraud on what seems to be a daily basis. My favorite being he used homeland security to follow his enemies around the country keeping tabs on what they were doing. Stalin would be so proud.

5. Jack Abramoff, a loobyist coincidentally Delays best friend and faithfull ATM machine. Mr. Abramoff has currently come under indictment and is not allowed to leave the country. What did this fellow do? Every shady business dealing under the sun just take a weeks vacation ,google his name and be amazed at how much money this jokester was funneling into the Republican party!

Wow I am tired

Sunday, August 07, 2005


Sibel Edmonds is a former FBI translator fluent in ,Turkish. Farsi, and Azerbaijani, basically an asset against "The War on Terror". Basically she found a fellow FBI translator to be lacking in ethical standards in the translation business, and probably covering up certain translations helpful to the terrorist attack plans or general malfeasance in the United States. She informed on her fellow associate and found the Bush admin. to be surprisingly uncaring to what she had to say (what a schock!). She was shortly thereafter fired , apparently the Bush admin did not care so much about the terrorist attacks. John Ashcroft, Attorney General of the United States, went to great lengths to have Sibel silenced.
The obvious assumption being she knew to much. She was just recently interviewed in Vanity Fair and the revelations were flowing, of course Ashcroft did everything to silence her to no avail. The amazing thing is that Sibel had some new revelations. The revelations being that some Turkish front groups had been bribing members of congress to support there efforts even if it means compromising FBI agents. Basically these Turkish front groups supported terrorists financially and hopefully the US would not find out. Hey guess what! They did, in the form of Sibel Edmonds and guess what she was shut down at every turn. Proof positive that Bush Jr does'nt give a rats ass about the work these people do, he only cares about being outed as an incompetent boob. I will be reporting on more agents doing their job and being disgusted about the fact that the white house does nothing about the revelations.9/11 was an opportunity terrorist's be damned, the thing is Sibel gave this interview on Wed and nobody on the blogosphere has had the balls to take this issue up!